How to Get More Social Media Followers (Without Paying for Ads): 10 Social Media Manager-Approved Tips

Did you know your follower count has an impact on your visitors’ first impression of you?

It’s true. The number of followers displayed on your profile can either make people want to follow you or turn them off completely.

If you want a first impression advantage, you must have a plan to increase your follower count.

Why is it so Hard to Get Followers?

Most people think that posting more content will result in more followers. Not quite! Followers don’t fall from the sky. Social media has nothing to do with Google search or any search.

If you want people to find and follow your profile, you need to focus on ways to grow inside the platform itself. To do it, try these 10 tips from an expert social media manager.

10 Smart, Social Media Manager-Approved Ways to Get More Followers on Instagram (and other social media accounts too)

1. Optimize your profile.

Your profile needs to be optimized to get the most traction. That means all sections should be filled out and completed. My book has a list on page 13 to show you how. I also wrote a step-by-step process to get your profile optimized.

2. Get headshots.

Professional headshots make you look like you mean business and are trustworthy. Invest in great new headshots and do an announcement! If you want to attract new followers, this is crucial.

3. Publish an “ask for recommendations” Facebook post.

Want instant engagement? Dedicate a post to asking your followers for recommendations on who else you should be following.

4. Share a “before and after” story.

Everyone loves to see these kinds of authentic journeys. Ask your current followers to share it and watch your reach grow.

5. Ask your current followers for help making new connections.

All you have to say is, “I’m looking to connect with ____. Who do you know who ____?”

6. Use your email list.

Start with your warm list and send a warm email to ask your connections for followers.

7. Make your email signature stand out.

This is a good way to draw attention to you/your brand. Link to your social media in the signature, too. Look at the example below for inspiration – it includes a picture, social media links, and even brand logos.

8. Post in different groups where you can reach people from your Avatars.

If you haven’t joined any social media groups yet, what are you waiting for? This is the perfect opportunity to reach people in your audience.

9. Use your personal accounts to feature the other accounts you want to grow.

Promote your business accounts to your personal network – reach everyone you can!

10. Do a giveaway/contest.

Social media giveaways and contests are engagement magnets. Find a worthy prize and remember to require that all entrants follow you and tag a friend in the post comments.

What’s the Number One Social Media Manager-Approved Tip to Get More Followers on Instagram?

Remember, these are just tactics. You still need a social media marketing strategy in order to grow your followers, grow engagements, and grow your revenue mixing multiple accounts. In my opinion, this is where forensic marketing plays a role, as it helps us deciding where to focus.

Get started on the road to becoming a social media manager-level expert today with a profile critique. Let us assess your business and get you started on the right foot!



1 Comment

Sherazi Khan
February 22, 2019 at 7:25 am

Hey Jessica, This is really a great post and different too. Due to the competitive environment, it is difficult to get followers because everyone is trying to promote his brand and products. The tips you have mentioned are totally new to me. I have never read these tips before.

The strategies I know are the use of hashtags, promote your content on other social media platforms, work on influence marketing, outreach to different bloggers and ask them to include your content on their relevant post and buy Instagram followers from the service provider that naturally increase Instagram followers (

I agree that posting more content doesn’t increase followers. Until you don’t provide quality content to the audience, you are not going to get any followers. So, Create engaging, fresh and informative content.

I like your giveaway contest tip. It sounds like fun to me. I’ll follow tips that I have learned from this post and I hope I’ll see improvement in the results. I must say, this post is a great addition to my knowledge.

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Jessica Campos, JD, BBA is an educator, author, forensic digital marketing expert & strategist.  She traded in her law career in order to pursue her passion: helping entrepreneurs build wealth by taking advantage of the thriving content economy.

Jessica‘s 15+ years of experience in entrepreneurship, background in law and business, tracked online sales record, and her network, represent a wealth of resources for professionals and entrepreneurs that want to attain success.

Jessica is a contributor for Social Media Examiner.

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