My Secret Sauce for a Vision Board That Actually Works

Discover how to segment your life into personal, spiritual, financial, and legacy goals to manifest your dreams. Get inspired to craft a vision board that works!

Hey there, friends!

It’s Jess here, and today I’m spilling the beans on something super close to my heart – my personal vision board template. If you’re anything like me, you know that a vision board isn’t just a pretty collage; it’s a roadmap to your dream life. 

So, grab your favorite cup of coffee, or wine or coqiuto, and let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of creating a vision board that’s not just inspiring but downright powerful.

1. The Prep Work: Scoring My Year

Before I jump into creating a new vision board, I take a hot minute to reflect on my current one. And y’all, this isn’t just a pat on the back or a shoulder shrug moment – I get real with myself. I’ve got this scoring system that’s like a personal report card for my life.

It’s a little tradition that helps me see clearly where I rocked it and where I need to pour a little more love and intention.

2. The Wheel of Life: Slices of Me

Life’s a big ol’ pizza with eight slices, each representing a different area – from career to family to personal growth. I use this thing called the Wheel of Life tool to score each slice. It’s like a reality check that keeps me honest about my goals and where I’m at with them. Consistency is key, and this tool? It’s my consistency king.

3. Vision vs. Goals: Dreaming Big and Bold

Here’s the real talk: vision and goals are cousins, but they’re not twins. Your vision? That’s your big, blue sky. It’s where you can – no, where you should – stretch your imagination as far as it’ll go. Then, you break down that big picture into bite-sized goals. That’s how you take a dream from ‘someday’ to ‘heck yes, I’m doing this’.

4. Being Present: The Positive Frequency

Manifesting isn’t just about plastering wishes on a board; it’s about the vibe you bring to the table. To make those dreams come to life, I focus on being in a positive frequency, y’all. It’s about being present, grateful, and open to what the universe is cooking up for you.

Make space for your dreams! 

5. Processing Time: Adjusting the Sails

Lastly, I don’t just set it and forget it. I take time to process my vision. Life throws curveballs, and sometimes what we thought we wanted changes. And that’s OK. Our vision boards can be living, breathing things that grow and change with us. So, I make tweaks, add new dreams, and sometimes erase goals that no longer serve me. It’s all about adjusting those sails to catch the winds of change.

Crafting the Corners: The Four Quadrants of My Vision Board

Alright, friends, let’s break down my vision board – it’s all about the four quadrants that represent the core areas of my life. Think of it as your life’s compass, each direction pointing you toward a different aspect of your dream life. Let’s get into what each quadrant stands for and some questions to mull over as you fill them with your aspirations.

Bottom Left: Personal Goals

This is where the heart beats, y’all. It’s all about you – your health, your hobbies, and your personal development. It’s the stuff you do just for you, the goals that light you up from the inside out. Here are some questions to get those gears turning:

  • What new skill do I want to master this year?
  • How do I plan to take care of my health and wellness?
  • What does ‘me time’ look like on a perfect day?
  • Who do I want to become as a mother?
  • Who do I want to become as a leader?

Bottom Right: Spiritual Goals

Now, scoot on over to the spiritual corner. This is your soul space, where you connect with something greater, whatever that may be for you. It’s about inner peace, faith, and your place in the universe. Ponder on these:

  • How can I nurture my spiritual growth?
  • What daily practices keep me connected to my core beliefs?
  • In what ways can I spread love and positivity in my community?
  • Are there boundaries I need to enforce?
  • Do I have a mindfulness practice?


Top Left: Financial Goals

Money talk can be tough, but it’s gotta be done. This quadrant is all about financial freedom and stability. It’s the greenbacks, the investments, the saving plans – all the things that help you sleep a little better at night. Ask yourself:

  • What does financial success look like for me this year?
  • How will I manage my money to support my dreams?
  • What steps can I take to grow my wealth wisely?
  • Am I stepping into my potential?
  • What it would take to go to your next level?


Top Right: Legacy Goals

And finally, we’ve got legacy – the mark you leave on the world. This is about the long game, what you’re building for the future, for your family, for those you love, and for the world. It’s deep, y’all, but oh so important. Consider these:

  • What do I want to be remembered for?
  • How can I contribute to something bigger than myself?
  • What can I do this year to pave the way for my legacy?
  • Who is already doing it and how can I support them?
  • Are there opportunities for me to pay it forward? 

These four quadrants come together to create a vision board that’s balanced, meaningful, and totally tailored to you. Remember, there’s no right or wrong way to dream about your life. The key is to be intentional, be honest, and be brave enough to put those dreams out there.

Now, roll up those sleeves and start creating a vision board that reflects the beautiful, complex, and incredibly capable person you are.

Let’s make magic happen!

With all my heart,


PS- About me:

Jessica Campos is the visionary founder behind Marketing for Greatness, a full-service digital marketing agency dedicated to elevating conscious leaders and brands. As an adept marketing strategist and coach, Jessica combines her passion for impactful marketing with her expertise in delivering outsourced marketing services. Her vision board template is a cornerstone of her strategy, guiding both personal and professional growth. Jessica’s commitment to her clients shines through in her work, where she crafts bespoke strategies to amplify their presence in the digital world. With Marketing for Greatness, Jessica Campos is not just a service provider; she’s a partner in her clients’ quests to make a meaningful difference.



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Jessica Campos, JD, BBA is an educator, author, forensic digital marketing expert & strategist.  She traded in her law career in order to pursue her passion: helping entrepreneurs build wealth by taking advantage of the thriving content economy.

Jessica‘s 15+ years of experience in entrepreneurship, background in law and business, tracked online sales record, and her network, represent a wealth of resources for professionals and entrepreneurs that want to attain success.

Jessica is a contributor for Social Media Examiner.

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