Instagram Influencer: The Ultimate Guide to Do It the Right Way

There’s no doubt about it: influencer marketing is one of the hottest ways to reach new and potential customers in today’s digital world – especially if those customers are Millennials.

But is this buzzword-laden tactic actually worth your time and energy?

According to a recent study comprised of marketers from a variety of industries, 94% said influencer marketing was an effective campaign strategy. That’s great news for marketers — right?

Not so fast.

Even though a majority of marketers believe influencer marketing is a viable tactic, it’s still incredibly challenging to report accurately on influencer campaign return on investment (ROI). In fact, 78% of marketers said that determining the success of influencer marketing campaigns would be a top challenge this year, which is why today we will cover our Instagram Influencer Ultimate Guide- Our Best Practices To Boost Your Revenue Using Influencer Marketing. 

When you first think of social media influencers, you likely picture individuals with flawless Instagram aesthetics, and follower counts in the millions.

But those are not the individuals we’re discussing in this article – here, I want to provide some insights into the power of micro-influencers, individuals with average follower counts, but with strong levels of influence over said groups within niche geographic or virtual communities.

That influence is due to their authentic connection with their audiences, developed by being a leader or expert in a particular field, and directly engaging with their communities.  At the end of the day, you should be able to reach your ideal client, just like in every other marketing outlet.

Who Is An Influencer In Front Of Your Ideal Client

Did you know a sponsored post from Kim Kardashian can range anywhere from $173,000 to $289,000? Could you imagine how many non-celebrity individuals you could get to post for you for a fraction of that fee – or for that matter no fee at all? And… even more important, how many conversations do you think the audience can have with Kim Kardashian? I mean, really? 

When a client requests that we create an influencer marketing strategy, the first step is to define who we want to influence. For example, if you sell nutritional supplements, you want to target individuals who are looking to improve their weight, performance, energy, and endurance. If your products cater to a narrower audience, like the vegan community, for example, then your influencer must have the power to affect the vegan community.

By the way, if we are not Instagram partners, follow me here.

Traits of Successful Influencers

Here is a list of the traits we look for in order to consider an individual an influencer:

  1. They have reached a level of mastery in the targeted industry.
  2. They have a clean online presence (check them on Google, Youtube, LinkedIn, and website). If they have third-party validation, even better!
  3. Their values are consistent with the brand we want to promote. Ideally, they have a blog where you can read their content and get a good sense of their opinion.
  4. They have an active audience both, online and offline. We want to see them active!
  5. They are comfortable on camera!  A big plus!

Engagement Rates

What separates a good post from a great post is how much your followers like, comment, or share it. Typically, micro-influencers are often able to maintain active relationships by replying to most comments or inquiries on their posts, and quickly. This constant connection can make followers feel like they actually have a relationship with the influencer, and they, therefore, tend to make a habit of engaging with more of that users’ posts.

Consider reading 3 Easy Ways to Create Engaging Content: My Secrets Revealed.

When it comes to selecting your influencers, follow them closely and look for their engagement. Are they mostly engaging with the same friends or they seem to be in a growth mode. This is a crucial factor. You want your brand to be represented by people who are constantly connecting with people. This increases your ROI since your message won’t be limited to just a post via social media.

For Instagram, if they have reached 10,000 followers or have a verified status is a big plus, since their account has options to add links.  Read more about verified badges here.

From Influencer Marketing to Empower Relationship Marketing

Part of our successful influencer marketing model is our ability to impact our local community in a scalable and consistent way. We host two strategic monthly events to attract professionals and business owners that have a growth mindset and want to build relationships. We educate our attendees on the importance of building relationships so that they can see the real return on their investment.

When you’re selecting influencers, have a clear vision about the impact you can create in your target market, not limited to social media.

Brand Ambassadors

Word-of-mouth marketing (WOM) is a powerful asset in our line of work. It not only piques people’s interest, but as the name implies, it gets people talking.

About 62% of consumers search online for reviews and information before purchasing a product and a whopping 90% believe brand recommendations from friends.

With game-changing numbers like those, it’s important not to neglect the importance of reviews, ratings, and recommendations when it comes to planning your organization’s marketing strategy. With that being said, there’s only so much one person can do; especially when they are launching a company with limited resources.

This is where brand ambassador programs become a part of the game plan!

Having an online community of brand ambassadors who are just as excited about your company and vision as you are can work wonders. You don’t have to do all of the sharing—because they will. When your company posts a new update or launches a new campaign, your brand ambassadors will be thrilled to pass it along to their networks, too—helping spread the word about what you’re doing to many more people than you could reach on your own.

Don’t assume that brand ambassadors will do it for free. You need to provide clear compensation and marketing resources so they can succeed. If there is one thing that direct sales companies do great is in this area.  I am a living testimonial of how- using word of mouth and social media (and nothing else), you can generate millions of dollars in revenue! I did it with P90x brand!

What’s Next? 

With the Instagram boom, not having your influencer marketing strategy in place is costing you a lot of opportunities as we speak.

I hope this article serves as a Guideline for your to craft a good influencer marketing plan that allows you to find followers, qualified leads, and sales opportunities. Remember to start by defining who is a real influencer. I have a memory jogger I use with my clients that allows them to build their list. You will love it!

If you don’t have a branding and marketing coach that is able to talk to you and create a plan, I would love to invite you to be part of my Inner Circle. Click the image below or just here

To your success and beyond, we go!




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Jessica Campos, JD, BBA is an educator, author, forensic digital marketing expert & strategist.  She traded in her law career in order to pursue her passion: helping entrepreneurs build wealth by taking advantage of the thriving content economy.

Jessica‘s 15+ years of experience in entrepreneurship, background in law and business, tracked online sales record, and her network, represent a wealth of resources for professionals and entrepreneurs that want to attain success.

Jessica is a contributor for Social Media Examiner.

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