How to Use Social Media for Outreach Marketing

Struggling to find ways to more effectively or authentically market to your consumers?  Feeling like social media brings more distractions than profits?  You just landed in the right place!

Let us first define what outreach marketing is.  Outreach marketing is the practice of seeking out individuals or organizations that have a shared interest in what you or your company has to offer. Sometimes, it is used in conjunction with direct sales, but often times it is used for more larger goals such as branding.  If you want more traffic, more leads, more visibility, you will want to leverage an existing channel to build your audience faster.

While social media is an amazing tool, we believe that for 2017, companies will need a stronger plan to reach their audience.

The good news is that Facebook’s pixel, custom audiences, and lookalike audiences, are becoming more effective.  The key is to activate the “fires” or the pixel activity.  So, the real question here is, how can you use social media to get your audience on “fire”?  That’s what we call, a new angle!

Most companies are not using social media to their fullest potential.  Perhaps, they tried social media at some point but didn’t see the ROI.  Our quiz to discover how close are you to getting clients on social media will be helpful.

One of the most common mistakes is using social media as a tactic to get clients.  There is a new way to maximize this amazing tool and we call it the new “angle”.

If you want to increase your outreach marketing, using social media with this new angle, here are some strategies that you can implement:

  1.  Leverage Facebook Live.  Interview influencers.  An influencer is anyone that has a good reputation in their industry.  It doesn’t have to be a celebrity so don’t get confused.
  2. Organize a workshop.  Contributing to your local market will help you getting more visible.  Leverage Facebook, LinkedIn, and Eventbrite to get more attendees.
  3. Stop hunting!  The best way to reach influencers is collaborating.  Don’t just network to push your business cards and have more names and emails.  Set the intention to find the resources that you need to grow your business.  Nurture those relationships.
  4. Add a variety of verticals.  Your mastery has a lot of value.  You might be talented in many areas.  It’s time to capitalize on it.  Create resources for your prospects. We recommend webinars to build verticals.  It’s a great way to get qualified leads with automation.
  5. Create the authentic funnel.  Regardless of what people have told you about those sophisticated email marketing systems, use your judgment and create a sequence of emails that YOU would open if YOU would receive them.  Be honest with yourself.  Influencers don’t have time to waste… be appreciative of their time and create valuable content; especially if you will blast their email.

We are here to assist you in activating your greatness! Let’s have a conversation!



Jessica Campos, JD, BBA is an educator, author, forensic digital marketing expert & strategist.  She traded in her law career in order to pursue her passion: helping entrepreneurs build wealth by taking advantage of the thriving content economy.

Jessica‘s 15+ years of experience in entrepreneurship, background in law and business, tracked online sales record, and her network, represent a wealth of resources for professionals and entrepreneurs that want to attain success.

Jessica is a contributor for Social Media Examiner.

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