How To Optimize Your Audience On Your Facebook Business Page

Do you have a Facebook Business Page? It’s also called a Fan Page. A Facebook Page is the Ferrari of a Facebook Marketing Strategy. Without it, users are limited in what they can do.

Why Do Business Owners Need to Setup A Facebook Business Page?

  • The Facebook personal profile is limited to 5,000 connections, whereas a Page has no limits.
  • A Page gets access to metrics. A personal profile doesn’t.
  • Users can advertise from a business page but not from a personal profile.
  • Business pages have audience optimization and audience targeting features that are not available for personal accounts.
  • Users can setup their Facebook business page using a business account, without using their personal login information.

For some of you, this information isn’t new. But I know for a fact that lots of business owners have no idea of the multiple benefits of Facebook Marketing and social media marketing. Especially if they just started their business and hired an agency who doesn’t educate them.

Around 550,000 People Become Entrepreneurs Every Month

If you’re in the boat with the newly launched entrepreneurs, feeling completely lost with Facebook marketing and social media marketing, you’re not alone. We receive countless requests daily from new business owners and entrepreneurs who want help with their Facebook marketing.

There is so much information about Facebook marketing and so much of it is outdated, that social media coaching is on high demand, even more than social media management.

Business owners want access to a one-stop-shop where they can get a holistic digital marketing strategy. No wonder the salary of a digital marketing expert goes up to $170,000 per year.

Facebook marketing has suffered plenty of updates in the last 12 months. In all fairness to you, you jumped in at the right time. You might not need to go through the hazard of unlearning and learning something new, over and over. But you definitely want to have a plan to promote your small business or local business using several marketing strategies that cover both organic reach and paid.

One of the reasons why marketers prefer Facebook over other social media platforms is because of their ability to target an audience using more sophisticated mechanisms.

Facebook allows you to segment who sees your content, which is something you totally want to do, so that you can reach the right people with relevant content for them.

Your mom loves you, but those aren’t exactly the likes and comments you’re expecting to get.

Let’s talk about the preferred audience feature! Are you ready?

Can Your Business Page Have A Preferred Audience To Reach Targeted People Organically?

Yes! I shared a picture in my Austin Networking Facebook Group showing how to setup a post to reach a specific target audience and got plenty of comments from our members, asking for more details. So this post is for them! And of course for you too!

Here is the picture (pinky promise, I had a manicure done the very next day 😂)

Audience Optimization is an organic targeting tool to help brands reach and engage their audience on Facebook and better understand the interests of people clicking on their posts. Here is the icon symbol that activates the tool (News Feed Targeting):

Can’t see the compass icon, News Feed Targeting?

If you can’t see the compass icon when you try to share a post and target the audience, there are 2 possible reasons.

  1. This feature is available for Facebook Business Pages with over 5,000 followers.
  2. Only from Desktop, not mobile posts.

Before you ask Google for more details about this feature, just know, you will find a lot of information that is outdated. So, let’s keep reading and I promise, I am giving you a great strategy to reach your target audience using Facebook Marketing.

Audience Optimization Feature Has Suffered Changes

If you search for “Audience Optimization for posts” you will find articles that talk about the Preferred Audience Feature. Unfortunately, that feature has been eliminated. In the past, users could setup a preferred audience as a strategy to show their newsfeeds to people who were most likely interested in the content.

You can still optimize your content by limiting who sees your posts, using 2 methods

1) Paid: Facebook Ads can be served to your target audience, using Facebook’s advanced targeting tool, Audience Insights. But of course, you need to pay for Facebook Ads.

2) Organic – available only for Business Pages with 5,000 likes or more. Once you reach the 5,000 benchmark, you are allowed to add audience restrictions to each post, interest tags, so your target audience can see your content on their news feeds.

Let’s Say You Have The 5,000 Likes And Want To Use Audience Optimization Per Post

Step 1: Connect your page to Audience Insights so you can discover details about your audience, behind the demographics.

You will be able to see their digital behavior: pages they follow, stores they shop, content they watch, etc.

Step 2: Create your audience, save it, and make a list of the interests you discovered about your audience. You will need this for the next step.

On a side note, if you have heard people saying don’t boost posts, this is one of the reasons. You won’t be able to take advantage of all the audience creation features that Facebook offers. Trust me, Facebook knows more information about your audience than you! 

Step 3: Create a post and select News Feed Targeting. You will be able to narrow your audience for this post. 

You might wonder why can’t I use my saved audience and instead, she is saying I need to write down the interests? You can use a saved audience, but only if it’s a paid ad.  Facebook always wins, right?

A Ninja Tip To Optimize Your Audience

Online audience optimization (OAO) is a practice that most advanced marketers follow, not only for social media marketing. This is the theory behind a great search engine marketing plan. If you want your business on page 1 on Google, you better know what people want from you, and how can you present that so you win your competitors. It’s a process. Not a 1-solo step. Not a tactic. Again, a process. The more steps you add to this process, and the more experts secrets you add to your equation, the more polished your “funnel” will be.

Build A Funnel And Track Your Audience

You can create a funnel and track all your activities, for free.

You don’t need to have a Facebook ad in order to know who visited your website and who took action. You need to install Google Analytics and spend time analyzing your traffic.


Image result for simple funnel facebook marketing

Would you like to discuss your Facebook Marketing with us?

Complete this complimentary assessment form so we can see your profiles and give you our best recommendations (for free). 

Or even better, explore a way I can coach you for less than $3 a day.


Jessica Campos, BBA, JD

Jessica Campos Social Media Marketing trainer, author, recovered attorney passionate about Forensic Marketing and Social Media Marketing. Jessica is known for breaking the record as the first Hispanic woman reaching the highest rank with Beachbody and helping thousands of individuals achieving physical and financial success. Her success systems took her to start her own Marketing Agency and her own Tribe of Professionals & Entrepreneurs. Austin’s #1 Networking Happy Hour.



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Jessica Campos, JD, BBA is an educator, author, forensic digital marketing expert & strategist.  She traded in her law career in order to pursue her passion: helping entrepreneurs build wealth by taking advantage of the thriving content economy.

Jessica‘s 15+ years of experience in entrepreneurship, background in law and business, tracked online sales record, and her network, represent a wealth of resources for professionals and entrepreneurs that want to attain success.

Jessica is a contributor for Social Media Examiner.

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