An Easy Pinterest Marketing Strategy For Business


Looking for secrets and out-of-the-box ways to give your brand more visibility? Pinterest marketing can be the answer.

This article will cover how to start marketing your business on Pinterest, the easy and lazy way!

Pinterest Marketing Stats In 2020

With more than 200 billion Pins to browse through, there are opportunities for every type of brand on Pinterest.

If you’re new to the Pinterest language, “pins” means posts! Essentially, it’s the way users share their content.

At the end of 2019, Pinterest reported having 322 million monthly active users worldwide. While nearly one-third of those users are from the US, the number of users outside the US is growing rapidly. Pinterest gained around 51 million international monthly users in 2019 compared to the five million in the US.



Pinterest marketing is not just about the number of users and pins. The demographics of those users are also relevant.

Pinterest Demographics


71% of global Pinterest users are female, according to Statista. When concentrating on the US, Pinterest reaches 83% of women ages 25-54.

Keep in mind, when you read “ages 25-54” this means two separated generations. This is important to remember later when you’re considering how to post on Pinterest.

Regardless of age, women are decision-makers, which is another reason to prioritize your Pinterest marketing game plan.  Women hold crucial purchasing power. Women drive 70-80 percent of all consumer purchasing, through a combination of their buying power and influence.

How To Use Pinterest For Business


Just like every social channel, Pinterest allows businesses the opportunity to get publicity online, for free. So, not having a business account on this platform is like opening a restaurant and not telling anyone.

New To Pinterest? How To Start?


If you have Facebook, chances are you have a Pinterest account.  Users can log in easily with Facebook. However, to claim your business account, you will need to take additional steps.

1.Open your Pinterest for Business


2. Edit your profile

3.Claim additional digital properties

This feature allows you to claim your website, Instagram, Etsy, and Youtube.

4.Get the Pinterest browser button

The Pinterest browse button will allow you to share images to Pinterest with just one click.

5.Select a Pinterest theme

As the saying goes, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” Human beings are highly visual creatures who can process visual information almost instantly; 90 percent of all information that we perceive and that gets transmitted to our brains is visual.

Images can be a powerful way to capture users’ attention and differentiate your product. A single image can convey more to the observer than an elaborate block of text. Furthermore, images can cross language barriers in a way text simply can’t.

Follow a consistent theme so users can easily identify your brand and remember you.

6.Set up your Pinterest scheduler

If you have been leading your social media marketing with Instagram, then we recommend Their reports are very clean and give you granular insights. Their business plan is about $29 monthly and you can link Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest which is a great value.

Pro tip: You can also schedule Instagram stories on and save a lot of time.

Your Pinterest Strategy 

Pinterest marketing and Pinterest strategy are not the same. For this reason, we highly encourage business owners to have a strategy in place, before opening social media channels and start sharing just anything that they feel like sharing.

The Best Social Media Marketing Strategy

Social media marketing can be powerful, as long as it’s supported by a powerful digital marketing strategy. Some marketers niche social media marketing as inbound marketing since it allows you to attract users to your brand, without having to use direct marketing tactics such as promotions, codes, or exclusive sales content.

Users are more educated these days. They prefer to control when they explore brands than being interrupted in their decision-making process. When was the last time that you got happy to get a cold call from an insurance agent offering competitive rates? They are lucky if you answer the call!

Important Factors Of A Winning Social Media Marketing Strategy:  


  1. It’s not about you. It’s about the users. What do they want?
  2. Your social media channels should be in sync. Users like to hop from channel to channel to engage with brands their way. This is called the omnichannel approach or omnichannel marketing.
  3. Only share your best content. “Good enough” is not enough. There is no such thing as “a bit of content” to reserve the best for your paid users. Give them the best and they will see your real value.
  4. Consider the user experience. What do users expect from the platform? Short content? Long content? Tutorials on video or in How-To-Guides?

Keep in mind, these factors are universally applicable for every social media channel. Now let’s craft a Pinterest marketing strategy that can help you reach your visibility goals.

Create Your Pinterest Marketing Strategy In 5 Easy Steps


Marketing is what drives customers to company and brand digital assets such as websites and social media channels, not what should exist on them.

What should exist is content designed to help customers accomplish two goals: research and purchase products or services. That’s where a Pinterest marketing strategy comes handy.

Step 1: Define Your Future Buyers

  1. List the top three customer segments. Look for the segments that provide the most revenue.
  2. What is the job you get done for your customers?
  3. What is your value proposition and what makes your value proposition different from your competitors?
  4. What are the specific outcomes/results that your future clients can get after using your solutions? Can you share third-party content that validates your claims?

Step 2: Define The How-To’s

  1. List your services and organize how-tos by segment.
  2. What tutorials can you prepare for each segment?
  3. What format will users prefer?
  4. If you will do tutorials, are they easy-to-follow?
  5. At the very least, create a board with the content that it’s on your website menu: about you, services, testimonials, contact information

Step 3: Optimize Your Content

  1. Search on Pinterest to see who else is sharing related content
  2. Explore popular pins
  3. Join Pinterest groups and collect feedback from other users
  4. The idea is to create content knowing ahead that your users will love
  5. Use “SEO” principles, meaning, words that people commonly use when they search or long-form questions.
  6. Consider optimizing your pin descriptions frequently, based on the results from your audit

Step 4: Pins Distribution Checklist

  1. Build a community that loves your content and appreciates getting more!
  2. Segment your email list to notify your users via broadcast.
  3. Expand your viewers by sharing your pins in other platforms such as Instagram, Instagram stories.
  4. This distribution list should always be a work in progress.

Pro tip: You can link your Instagram profile to a particular board to distribute content automatically. will allow you to schedule this content ahead of time.

Step 5: Audit Your Performance

  1. To start, make sure you set up your analytics to track your Pinterest performance.
  2. The platform provides you with analytics, but don’t stop there.
  3. If you blog, adding UTM codes to identify the source of your blog traffic will be ideal so you can see exactly how your boards are performing, in comparison with other social media platforms.

In Closing

Pinterest can get you website traffic and qualified sales opportunities, if you design a strategic plan to develop your boards to attract your ideal users.

Combine this social media channel with Instagram so you can see both channels growing.

Tap the image and check our Instagram- Link in BIO for all the updates courses, coaching programs, and live events.

Looking For Marketing Courses + Coaching?

If you want to experience real learning and get a customized marketing strategy to grow your business, our Marketing University might be a fit. Currently enrolling students on:

  1. Marketing mastermind
  2. SEO + Content Marketing
  3. How to launch a website
  4. Instagram for business

Let’s continue this conversation! Virtual coffee on me!


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Jessica Campos, JD, BBA is an educator, author, forensic digital marketing expert & strategist.  She traded in her law career in order to pursue her passion: helping entrepreneurs build wealth by taking advantage of the thriving content economy.

Jessica‘s 15+ years of experience in entrepreneurship, background in law and business, tracked online sales record, and her network, represent a wealth of resources for professionals and entrepreneurs that want to attain success.

Jessica is a contributor for Social Media Examiner.

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