3 Social Media Secrets to Hack Visibility

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3 Social Media Secrets to Hack Visibility

One of the most essential purposes of social media is to be SEEN. This is the reason why visibility is such a big deal in the social media industry. Being seen not only allows new people to discover you but it also allows you to discover new people as well, for prospective connections. Whether or not you realize it, there is a whole community of people that are in need and searching for the exact set of services, skills, products and/or knowledge that you offer.

Your goal with social media is to make you and your business visible enough for that community to find you.  

The Marketing for Greatness team always has your best interests at heart and we are always excited to share with you our trade secrets so that you can apply the law of duplication to create your own success. Many of you who are familiar with me, will notice that in most of my communication to you, they always end in “To your Success.” This is because, every single time I connect with each of you, every email sent, every live broadcast and every webinar or meeting, my mind and heart are always focused on your success! My role in your life and business is to excavate the jewel strategies of social media and practicalize them to articulate them in such a way that you have immediate and practical application to your business that will propel your own success. And today, we want to do the same thing. We want to share with you 3 powerful Social Media Secrets to hack your visibility. Don’t forget to click here to grab a free copy of the book, The 6 Golden Rules of Social Media.  

Before going to the strategies, it is very important that you create highly shareable content. This means that your content should be interesting enough to compel your viewers to not only want to peruse or watch (if it’s a video), but to instantly want to share your content. Highly shareable content is the type of content that “breaks the internet.” This is the type of content that will literally make you famous all around the world. This content should be so good that the social media user stops scrolling to view your message and is impacted enough that he/she wants to instantly share your content. This is the ultimate visibility goal that you should strive for.

1. Broadcast (Facebook Live)

Share the video to groups

One of the easiest ways to hack visibility on social media is through videos. Because the content majority on social media is usually text, videos increase your visibility as they stand out more. Start posting videos on your timeline. You can start with using Facebook Live. Try doing one live broadcast weekly. Ensure you prepare for your broadcast and plan your content ahead of time. Whenever you go live on Facebook for the first time, all your followers get an instant notification that you are live and have the option to watch you live. Tip: Encourage them to turn on notification whenever you go live and like and share your video.

Another effective way to use videos on social media is to design your videos for viewing with sound off. You can explore or invest in Kinetic Typography as an excellent way of doing this. The social media user won’t have to actually click on the video to understand your message as the video will communicate all your information while on mute. The mute button is on by default on all Facebook videos while you scroll through your feed. Videos auto-play after a couple seconds of pausing your scroll, so it is very convenient for a user who doesn’t want to turn the sound on but is still interested in your content.

Try to incorporate more videos in your content mix at least 3 times weekly. This substantially increases your engagement and visibility. Create a personal strategy for posting and mix in other content types and videos.

Join groups that align with your message and brand and share your videos to these groups. Ensure you include a Call to Action on all your shareable content. It is important that people engage. You can invite viewers to like, comment and share your videos as well. You can post things like, “ If this message resonated with you and added some sort of value to you, share it with a friend or your community.”

2. Create Brand Ambassadors

Creating brand ambassadors duplicate your social media presence on a larger scale.

Your brand ambassador should be a believable representation of your brand with just the right name, look and personality. Your brand ambassador should attract the extra attention that your regular page or profile does not. If you create the perfect brand ambassador, you don’t have to “play it safe” with your brand ambassador. The content from your brand ambassador can be funny, opinionated, encouraging etc. without too much focus on your brand itself. The thing is, no matter what your brand ambassador is saying, viewers will always associate them with your brand. So, for those jokes you want to share but don’t want to do so on your page because you want to maintain that professionalism, use your brand ambassadors to do so. Everyone loves a good laugh. And happiness is contagious and on social media, it increases visibility. Do you remember the last time you saw something funny on social media? Didn’t you feel the need to share it with at least one person? I am sure you weren’t even consciously aware that you were increasing the visibility of that post or the page it was shared from. Your only intention may have been to share the laughter you got from that post with someone else.

Take the time to create brand ambassadors! Create the ideal brand ambassador for your brand to get that extra traffic!

3. Use Facebook Groups to create Free Trial Programs

Your ultimate goal should be building a community of people that love your brand

Even though most of us don’t mind paying for programs especially when that program is value packed, everyone appreciates a free program every now and again. This greatly increases your visibility especially for those followers who are not sure if they should invest with you. A free trial program will really introduce your brand on a more personal level than the regular overview that your viewers and followers are accustomed to. I challenge you today to join at least one group before the month ends. Ensure this group aligns with your message or brand with like-minded people as yourself. Create a free trial program to share in this group. Share a trade secret! Yes! Give away a trade secret that is designed to create difference in someone’s life or business. Promote this program straight up until the very minute you are ready to engage with your audience. Don’t underestimate the power of the word “FREE.” It drives traffic! It promotes engagement and ultimately visibility. Viewers will immediately visit your page to see what you are about when they see you giving something away for FREE. Kindness makes you attractive. It not only increases visibility but conversions as well!

If you are looking to grow your social media presence, start implementing these strategies and increase your visibility! Don’t get educated just to KNOW. Learn what you need to learn so that you can do what you must do. Your level of success depends on the actions you take and do not take.

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Jessica Campos, JD, BBA is an educator, author, forensic digital marketing expert & strategist.  She traded in her law career in order to pursue her passion: helping entrepreneurs build wealth by taking advantage of the thriving content economy.

Jessica‘s 15+ years of experience in entrepreneurship, background in law and business, tracked online sales record, and her network, represent a wealth of resources for professionals and entrepreneurs that want to attain success.

Jessica is a contributor for Social Media Examiner.

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