5 Simple Ways to be Happier Every Day

I’m always happy, pumped and excited and it’s contagious! Today I’m sharing my secret! 5 Simple Ways To Be Happier Every Day!

Defining happiness is difficult, as happiness is actually a state of mind. What brings on happiness is therefore unique to the individual person; what makes you happy may be quite different from what makes your neighbor or your officemate happy.

Still, despite being hard to define, there’s something about happiness that has universal appeal. Virtually everyone strives for it, but not everyone will reach it and that’s why I’m writing this article.

A couple of months ago I was interviewed by Smart Hustle Magazine.  Click here to read it.  The interview was performed in such a casual way that got me to open up and share my entire story.  When Smart Hustle Magazine posted my interview, I was shocked by their headline.

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!  That was the headline of my interview, where I shared how I got inspired to push hard to move out of poverty, became a successful attorney until the recession destroyed my business.

I also shared how I got involved in the social marketing field, to be able to spend more time with my family, after moving out of Puerto Rico to Connecticut.

I always say “when you are clear about why you must do something, not doing it is not even an option.”

I thought that I was driven by my goals, until I realized that I am activated daily by something beyond my goals.

It wasn’t until recently, when my 17 year old daughter told me “you are always happy. I can’t be like you”. I must confess that it hit me hard. However, it made me realize that she is right.

I want to share with you 5 simple ways to be happier every day:

1) Create a dream board and put it in a place where you can see it as soon as you open your eyes.

The thoughts you create matter. Everything matters. Think of your brain and imagine that it’s a garden. Your are the only person responsible for watering your garden.

Your garden might have weeds just like your thoughts might have moments when it’s all blurry. However, the quicker you get to correct your thoughts, the better.

A dream board activates your connection between your dreams and yourself. When you create your board, you bring your dreams to life.

Say hello to your dreams daily. Smile at them! May the dream board be the number one thing you see as soon as you wake up.

I even organize a dream board party twice a year!

2) Use your cellphone to create a note with 3 reasons for being grateful

Join me on the gratitude challenge. I’m sure that you have seen this tag thread on social media, where people tag their friends to inspire them to share 3 reasons to be grateful daily.

Again, you will write instead of just thinking about it, so your message becomes a living thing.

Update the note daily. You will be surprised how much joy you will have when that list is up to 20 reasons!

3) Create a list of “I am”

…. I am sexy, I am confident, I am great …. and put it in a place where you can see it as soon as you come out of the shower.

I want your thoughts to become a living thing!

4) Clean your space!

To me, it’s no mystery why Marie Kondo’s book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing, has been such a phenomenal success, with her master class Spark Joy and Journal following.

Statistics show that American women spend over two hours per day doing housework. That’s about the same amount of time spent on “leisure,” the category that would include activities like exercise, meditation, and other specifically joy-based pursuits.

So, if we must spend so much time doing something (in this case: cleaning), why wouldn’t we optimize our experience doing it to ensure it includes joy and happiness?

The daily routine of housekeeping and caring for our home and our possessions has a transformative aspect. That’s something Marie Kondo spelled out in her KonMari Method, and something that is so easy to experience just by making your bed.

Sure, at times I’ve hired professionals to help me keep my home clean and orderly, and I treasured that help. But, overall, I like when my life affords me enough time to tackle the task myself. I like creating a fresh slate, and seeing the individual pieces of my life that are part of the whole.

Cleaning makes you feel organized and centered. Just do it daily! Even if it’s just to clean your work space, it works!

5) Connect with your spirituality

I grew up in a small town in Puerto Rico that – believe it or not- the nickname is La Ciudad de los Brujos, Guayama, which means the town of the witches.

I was raised in a catholic school and my family was catholic as well. However, there were plenty of times when my grandmother would light a candle overnight just to “clean” our house.  We also had “curanderos” that had oils to heal pain, discomfort, etc.

I use essential oils daily! They make me feel amazing, blessed, full of joy, focused and balanced.

Whisper is my favorite. Disclaimer: I am not a DoTerra distributor. I love this oil!  Contains Rose, Jasmine, Bergamont, Cinnamon, Cistus, Vetiver, Ylang Ylang, Cocoa, Vanilla, Hawaiian Sandalwood and Patchouli. It’s delicious!

Whenever I feel like there are patterns of things getting stuck, and nothing seems to work good, my intuition takes me checkup my spirituality.

Your spiritual mentor can be the pastor of your church, a minister, a priest… even a friend that can elevate your soul and make you feel charged! If you don’t feel comfortable with the idea of having a spiritual mentor, just read about spirituality on your own. Read about essential oils and of course if this is too much for you, just go for a walk daily!

You want a happy life. Your happy life starts with happy YOU!

Happiness is a mindset, and by accepting this and thinking positively, we can feel its effects every day.

Life is beautiful and we are lucky to be a part of it, living each day to the fullest in order to feel happiness in the purest sense.



Jessica Campos, JD, BBA is an educator, author, forensic digital marketing expert & strategist.  She traded in her law career in order to pursue her passion: helping entrepreneurs build wealth by taking advantage of the thriving content economy.

Jessica‘s 15+ years of experience in entrepreneurship, background in law and business, tracked online sales record, and her network, represent a wealth of resources for professionals and entrepreneurs that want to attain success.

Jessica is a contributor for Social Media Examiner.

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