A Step-by-Step Guide to Viewing Facebook Ads in Meta’s Ad Library

Learn the step-by-step process of how to see a competitor's Facebook ads using Meta's Ad Library.

As a digital marketing specialist with extensive experience in the field, I understand the importance of staying ahead in the competitive landscape of online advertising. One valuable tool in a marketer’s arsenal is the ability to view and analyze competitors’ Facebook ads. 

There is a native tool inside Meta that can provide huge insights into their marketing strategies, campaign creativity, and audience targeting. 

In this comprehensive guide, I’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of how to see a competitor’s Facebook ads using Meta’s Ad Library.

Introduction to Meta’s Ad Library

The Meta Ad Library is a public database that provides a comprehensive, searchable collection of all advertisements running from across Meta’s platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger. This tool is designed to promote transparency in advertising, offering a unique opportunity for marketers, researchers, and the general public to view the ads that organizations and individuals are running.

Step-by-Step Guide to Accessing the Ad Library

Step 1: Navigate to Meta’s Ad Library

To begin, visit the Meta Ad Library at https://www.facebook.com/ads/library/. This page is accessible without a Facebook account, making it an openly available resource.

Step 2: Search for a Competitor’s Page

On the Ad Library page, you’ll find a search bar. Here, you can type the name of the competitor’s brand or organization. Make sure you have the correct spelling and name of the page to get accurate results.

Step 3: Review the Search Results

Once you’ve entered the competitor’s name, the Ad Library will display a list of matching results. Click on the correct page to proceed. If your competitor has multiple pages (for different regions or product lines), you may need to explore each one separately.

Step 4: Explore the Ads Section

After selecting a page, you’ll be directed to a section that showcases all the active and inactive ads that the page has run. This section is divided into various categories, including ‘All’, ‘Active’, and ‘Inactive’ ads, allowing you to filter the ads based on their current status.

Understanding the Features of Ad Library

Ad Details

Each ad listing includes the ad’s creative content, such as images, text, and videos. This gives you a direct view of the ad’s visual and textual approach.

Ad Timing and Duration

The Ad Library provides information on when the ad was first launched and, in some cases, how long it has been running. This can offer insights into the campaign’s duration and timing strategies.

Ad Spend and Impressions (Limited Availability)

For political and issue ads, the Ad Library discloses the approximate spend and impressions. This data isn’t typically available for commercial ads, but when it is, it can be invaluable in understanding the scale of a campaign.

Geographic and Demographic Data

Again, mainly for political and issue ads, the library may include data on the geographic and demographic distribution of the ad’s audience. This is a crucial piece of information for understanding targeting strategies.


Each ad has a unique ID, useful for tracking and referencing specific ads in your analysis or reports.

Tips for Analyzing Competitor Ads

  • Creative Analysis: Look at the creative elements of the ads—images, videos, copywriting. What themes and messaging are they using? This can give you insights into their brand positioning and messaging strategies.
  • Campaign Timing: Observe the timing of their ad campaigns. Are there patterns that correlate with industry events, holidays, or sales seasons?
  • Target Audience: While specific targeting details aren’t available, you can infer the intended audience based on the ad’s creative content and messaging.
  • Ad Variety: Note the variety of ads. Are they using a broad range of creatives for A/B testing, or are they focusing on a few key messages?

Supercharge your strategy with Meta Ads Library 

The Meta Ad Library is a powerful tool for digital marketers seeking to gain insights into their competitors’ Facebook advertising strategies. By following these steps, you can unveil a wealth of information that can inform your own marketing strategies, helping you to refine your approach and stay competitive in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Remember, while it’s beneficial to learn from your competitors, it’s equally important to innovate and differentiate your brand. Use these insights as a springboard for your creative and strategic efforts, ensuring that your campaigns are not only competitive but also uniquely tailored to your brand and audience.

In the world of digital marketing, knowledge is power. By leveraging tools like the Meta Ad Library, you can stay informed, adaptable, and ahead in the game.

Looking to boost your online presence with paid ads and organic content (SEO)? Learn more about MFG-SEO services.



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Jessica Campos, JD, BBA is an educator, author, forensic digital marketing expert & strategist.  She traded in her law career in order to pursue her passion: helping entrepreneurs build wealth by taking advantage of the thriving content economy.

Jessica‘s 15+ years of experience in entrepreneurship, background in law and business, tracked online sales record, and her network, represent a wealth of resources for professionals and entrepreneurs that want to attain success.

Jessica is a contributor for Social Media Examiner.

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