The 7 P’s to Create a Wondrous Social Marketing Strategy


Discover The 7 P’s To a Wondrous Social Marketing Strategy

If eating apples have nothing to do with using computers, what strategy did Apple use to create their fabulous brand?  I mean, seriously… Have you thought about that at all?

You might think that creating a social marketing campaign is just like putting up more posters to raise awareness of the lead poisoning problem in your community, for example. If it was like that, you would have already received clients from posting the happy memes on your timeline.

While social marketing uses the science of persuasion, it’s one with many details to consider.

We are assuming that you want to increase your sales using social marketing or perhaps, polish your skills as a freelancer.  Either way, we created a system that we call The 7 P’s that will simplify the process of creating a marketing campaign on social media.


Growing your business is very similar to growing yourself as a person.  You will have multiple mechanisms, strategies, sources, to become a better person, but at the end of the day, it comes down to how consistent you are.  Therefore, every personal growth plan will work, if you just do it.   Your marketing is essential to growing your business.  While there are multiple mechanisms to get people to find your business (word of mouth, speaking, writing a book) social marketing can’t be ignored.

Did you know that social media marketing has a 100% higher lead-to-close rate than outbound marketing? Or that 84% of B2B marketers use social media in some form? No matter what you sell and who you sell it to, using social media as a marketing tool can help you grow your brand and pad your wallet.

At this point in the game, not having an active social media presence is kind of like pulling out a flip phone at a business meeting and then not understanding why your boss keeps giving Brad all the new accounts.  If you still feel like your business doesn’t need social marketing, you might want to read 16 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Social Marketing. 

When you are ready to take your business to the next level with social marketing, you start with creating your growth plan.

  • Does your brand need awareness?
  • What are the options that you have to reach this goal?
  • How soon do you want to reach it?
  • What resources do you have right now that can be maximized, before acquiring new resources?
  • Are you looking to launch a new product?
  • Are you looking to expand your business to new markets?
  • Once your brand is very well known, how do you want to stand out in the marketplace?

These are examples of questions that need to be considered upon launching your social marketing campaign.


The second P is the presence.  Did you know that it takes less than two-tenths of a second for an online visitor to form a first opinion of your brand once they’ve perused your company’s website according to researchers at the Missouri University of Science and Technology? And it takes just another 2.6 seconds for that viewer’s eyes to concentrate in a way that reinforces that first impression.

Not having an online presence is not an option.  Since we only have 2 seconds to create the first impression, your social presence needs to be clear, likable, and trustworthy, so that your customers may feel connected with your brand.

  • Start by using a tool like to figure out what hashtags are trending in your niche and then come up with unique ways you can join in the conversation.
  • We recommend optimizing all the social media accounts so people can see consistency.

Your social marketing strategy will provide for the creation of branded content so your message has more influence, reach, and therefore, turn into a social conversation.


The third P is the people.  While you can have a broad description of your audience for your general settings on your social channels, we recommend considering at least 3 buyer personas.  Our article about The Importance of Recurrent Revenues explains more details about the buyer personas and has a free template to create your offer.

Some questions to consider:

  • Are you marketing to millennials?
  • Are you marketing mostly to women?
  • Are you marketing globally?


The product is the 4th P.  Social marketing gives you the ability to see in real life how your clients are using your product, monitor your reputation, enhance your customer service, and get ideas for future products.  Make sure that your social marketing strategy considers:

  • How to present your product to your end client
  • How to receive instant feedback
  • How to monitor your reputation
  • How to enhance customer service
  • How to get ideas for future products

Since Facebook launched the Pixel, we recommend companies to have full integration of their website pages with their Facebook Business Page.  The more you use this feature, the better understanding you will have about your social traffic.


The 5th P of our system to generate your social marketing strategy is placement.  While social media has grown into an incredible opportunity for business owners, it has also grown more complicated. There are now more options than ever. Do you need an Instagram profile? Should you get in on Snapchat and Periscope before they get too big? Should you have Facebook and Twitter, or just choose one? How do you know where to direct your time and resources for optimum ROI?

When we create a social marketing strategy, we formulate the following questions:

  • Where does my target audience hang out?
  • What kind of feedback am I looking to receive from my audience?
  • Does the business promote products or services?

Another way to find out where your target audience will be most receptive online is to… wait for it…. ask them! Email your customers and ask them:

  • Where do you spend the most time when you’re on social media?
  • What’s your favorite platform and why?
  • Where would you prefer to engage with our brand?

This Zero BS Guide to Choosing a Social Media Platform by WP Curve clarifies more the placement question.  Click here to access this article.


In order to hold any marketing channel accountable, there first must be a framework of metrics that can be tracked, compared to a benchmark (industry or prior program performance), and analyzed over time.  Social channels are no different.  When looking to assign accountability to social programs, the first step is to define KPIs and measure against them.

Some of the key components to track your social marketing performance are:

  • Expanded Reach to New Audiences
  • Predictable Results from your Target Audience
  • Viral content
  • Website traffic

The impact of a consumer seeing a friend recommend a brand as a result of a social program is much greater than seeing a static ad from the brand.


Social media marketers often want to start with tactics.  While this is better than not having social marketing at all, it won’t take your brand too far.  The 7th P of this lesson is for the process.

Your social marketing plan needs to consider the following steps:

  • Content generation
  • Content distribution
  • Social community management
  • Paid content
  • Viral content
  • Events
  • Among other industry-based steps

Create a system considering all the steps that you will set up in your business for massive growth.  You will have a process.  You will be able to delegate specific activities and yet- knowing the purpose of each step and how they are related to the big strategy.

We have created a template that will allow you to develop your social marketing strategy easier.

I just realized that we are just minutes away from having a conversation.  Why not just book it from here?  Click Now!

To Your Success,





July 24, 2018 at 2:53 am

Hi Jessica. I’m Jonah from I’ve just read your article and want to thank you very much for mentioning our tool. :)Appreciate it a lot!

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    July 24, 2018 at 3:04 am

    Yes of course! We love Hashtagify! Thank you!

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Jessica Campos, JD, BBA is an educator, author, forensic digital marketing expert & strategist.  She traded in her law career in order to pursue her passion: helping entrepreneurs build wealth by taking advantage of the thriving content economy.

Jessica‘s 15+ years of experience in entrepreneurship, background in law and business, tracked online sales record, and her network, represent a wealth of resources for professionals and entrepreneurs that want to attain success.

Jessica is a contributor for Social Media Examiner.

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