6 Hacks to Multiply Your Business While Working Less

If you are looking to multiply your business, which means multiplying your cash flow and profit, working more hours is not the solution.

Let These 6 Hacks Multiply Your Business, While Working Less be Your Guide

Through blood, sweat, and tears, I’ve learned what works and what doesn’t for massively growing your income.

Are you one of those people who are convinced they have to put in more hours to make more money?

That was my belief until I changed my associations and realized one thing that changed forever: my perception of working hard.  Want to know the one thing that I learned?

Successful people are not more talented or gifted.  They are intentional in the way that they do things.

I am sure that you have heard those stories where someone is extremely successful in their business, but they lost their family along the way.

That’s not going to be you.

I have a feeling that you are here because you are looking for solutions to grow your business but you don’t want to pay the price of losing your family, your marriage, or relationships.  You want to multiply your business while working less.

Money is Not Directly Related to Your Work

I will never forget the night when I woke up in the middle of the night, around 2 am.  My husband was sleeping and I was wide awake, for no particular reason.  I decided to read my email from my cellphone and all of a sudden, I had the most amazing money manifesto.

Money is energy.

We just have to learn how to vibrate in the frequency of money.   Sounds too far from your truth?

I am going to recommend you the book The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles.  If you haven’t read it, please do it today.  If you have read it, go back to it.  Click here to download a free PDF. 

Once you learn the principles of receiving money, your mindset will shift.

This is the first hack to Multiply Your Business!

Eliminate the 16-hour Workday

Very often we make decisions based on our existing revenue.  Growing your business will require that you invest in resources that will remove things from your plate, so you have the time for getting clients.  Otherwise, you will find yourself with no time to find new clients and your pipeline will dry out pretty soon.

I had to learn this in the hardest way.

I consider myself someone who can multitask.  I was not delegating anything.

Instead, I would just find the time to do everything until I learned this:

If you need more than 40 hours a week to work in your business, you either have a focus problem or a delegation problem.  Yikes!

Here is an example of the list of things that I was doing on a regular week:

  • Networking weekly
  • Running my social media platforms
  • Creating content for blog
  • Creating my online products
  • Building my website
  • Managing my clients
  • Servicing my clients with issues
  • Sending invoices
  • Sending reminders for unpaid invoices
  • Coordinating meetings
  • Following up after meetings
  • Running my calendar
  • Creating proposals
  • Building my brand
  • Running Facebook Ads
  • Running Google Ads
  • Watching my SEO rank
  • Building my Youtube channel
  • Optimizing my accounts with keywords, meta …
  • On top of my 4 kids, a husband, and a puppy!

Can you imagine what my life looked like without delegation?

I can tell you… if you don’t make major adjustments, you’ll have no life. No free time. And you WILL start to subconsciously sabotage your business.

Your clients will suffer too.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

Hire a virtual assistant.  Explore this link to realize the number of things that you can delegate to a virtual assistant. 

I have delegated multiple systems, so now my business runs smoother and I no longer have those 16 hour days working on my business.

Note to self:  I still put the 16 hours sometimes, when my creativity sparks and I want to produce some amazing content like this blog post! 

Now you got the second hack to Multiply Your Business!

Master Your Business Model

When I first launched my business, I wanted to give more value to my clients so I offered multiple hours per month, per each client, on top of group lessons, unlimited emails, and unlimited access to 911 calls.  Yikes!  This was for sure a mistake.  My calendar exploded.  I got myself burned out and resenting myself.

Warning: whenever you get feelings of resentment, anger, worry, feelings of getting stuck and fear of not being good enough, you must listen to those signs and understand that something needs to change.

Multiplying your business doesn’t mean that you multiply your time.

Build your business model offering value, using tools that are:

  • Automated
  • Scalable
  • Delegable
  • Easy to implement
  • Get your clients to experience results quicker

Your clients pay for your value, not for your time.

What would happen if, instead of seeing clients one-on-one, you packaged your knowledge into a short-term, intensive group workshop?  Makes sense?  This was the third hack to Multiply Your Business!

Package Your Knowledge into a Short-Term, Intensive Group Online Workshop

The fourth hack to Multiply Your Business is beyond greatness!

If you take vacations and your revenue goes to zero that month, you are selling yourself instead of your system.

What if you remove the one on one services and instead, you had an intensive group online workshop?

This is what it looks like:

  • Take your solution to the ONE problem you’re solving and break that solution into Milestones. (i.e. If you’re a relationship coach who helps clients save their marriages, perhaps the first Milestone would be re-establishing communication. Then the second Milestone might be identifying the major problems. The third Milestone might be establishing intimacy, and so on.) You should have about 6-10 Milestones when all is said and done.
  • Create a GROUP workshop where you teach ONE Milestone per week for 8 weeks. Deliver the entire training on conference calls. Have everyone dial- in to a conference line once a week, and teach your way through the Milestones, one week at a time. You could do this say, every Monday.
  • Have an ADDITIONAL weekly Q&A call. On Tuesdays, have an additional call where everyone can dial back into the conference line for Q&A with you. This gives everyone the benefit of learning from everyone else. Clients will hear questions they would never have thought to ask, and this helps everyone learn faster.
  • Assign homework and make sure everyone follows through. You can do this by having clients e-mail you what they’ve done. You could even create group accountability by creating a private forum or Facebook Group, and let clients hold EACH OTHER accountable and share success stories, discoveries, etc.

A short-term, results-oriented group workshop like this will get BETTER results for your clients than seeing them one-on-one.

Your CLIENTS win because the group dynamic will force everyone to push themselves harder and get extraordinary results.

YOU win because now you have LEVERAGE.

You can sell this group workshop for $2,000 – $10,000 per spot. Your TOTAL time investment to deliver it is about 3 hours per WEEK. (90 minutes spent on training every Monday, and 90 minutes spent on Q&A every Tuesday).

Enroll 10 people per month at $5,000 each and you’re bringing in $50,000 a month for a total of TWELVE HOURS of work a month.

Find Clients While You’re Sleeping

You can’t depend on word-of-mouth to grow your business. You can’t depend on referrals.

To make 7-figures a year as an entrepreneur, you need a system that works on autopilot and creates a constant flow of new clients into your business.  This is the fifth hack to Multiply Your Business!

Our system is very simple:

  • Prospects click on an online ad…
  • Watch a short presentation…
  • Request a phone call…
  • …and become clients at a premium price.

Then they get superb results.

It’s simple. It’s predictable. It only has FOUR steps.  If you don’t have a system like this, we can help.

Increase Your Associations

If you want to be rich, choose your friends carefully. – Robert Kiyosak

I have to agree 100% with Robert Kiyosaki on this one.  Let me ask you, how selective are you with your associations?

To grow your 7-figure income you want to surround yourself with people that are ahead of you.  This is the sixth hack to Multiply Your Business!

You also need to learn from the BEST of the BEST.  This is the cheapest, fastest, and best solution.

One connection took me to win a one on one with Marcus Lemonis when he came to SXSW event here in Austin, Texas.  Besides receiving amazing advice, I received access to his personal email which helped me to realize the power of associations.  You can’t miss this hack!

I am looking to connect with heart centered entrepreneurs that want to build a brand and multiply their revenue.  If you are one of them, let’s have a conversation!



Jessica Campos, JD, BBA is an educator, author, forensic digital marketing expert & strategist.  She traded in her law career in order to pursue her passion: helping entrepreneurs build wealth by taking advantage of the thriving content economy.

Jessica‘s 15+ years of experience in entrepreneurship, background in law and business, tracked online sales record, and her network, represent a wealth of resources for professionals and entrepreneurs that want to attain success.

Jessica is a contributor for Social Media Examiner.

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