5 Tips to Craft an Instagram Geotagging Strategy to Get More Followers and Leads

Instagram is a great platform for spreading brand awareness and building a community around your business.

You might be posting great photos, using the right hashtags, and engaging with some followers (mostly friends), but did you know there’s more you can do to get more build your audience, get more followers, and turn them into real leads?

Specifically, I’m going to share some tips on how to craft an Instagram geotagging strategy that’s sure to bring more attention, followers, engagement, and leads your way.

What Is Geotagging?

Geotagging is how you add location and geographical information to media like photos and videos. A few examples of geotags include:

  • The latitude and longitude of a place
  • The location name
  • The state or country where the photo/video was taken

5 Tips for Your Instagram Geotagging Strategy

To show up in location searches on IG, geotagging is essential. Here are 5 tips to get it right.

1. Make Sure Geotagging is Enabled

To make geotagging super easy, make sure Location Services are ON for Instagram. This will let the app find your location automatically and suggest nearby geotags to use when you’re creating posts.

To make sure geotagging is enabled on an iPhone, go to Settings > Privacy > Location Services.


Make sure Location Services are on, then go to Instagram in the list of apps below.

Under the Instagram location options, select “While Using the App” to let the app automatically find relevant geotags of your location when you’re posting photos.

2. Tag Yourself in Different Locations (Even When You’re Not There)

To help increase your reach on Instagram, tag your photos in different locations – even when you’re not physically at those places.

For example, if you mention a place in your caption, you can tag that place so your photo will show up in the feed for that tag.

Don’t just tag random places, though. Keep your tags relevant, useful, and related to your photo or caption in some way.

3. Follow a “Location” Tag and See What People are Posting

One of Instagram’s most recent features is the ability to follow hashtags and geotags. Following relevant locations will help you see what people are posting and what’s getting engagement.

That will allow you to create relevant content and relevant hashtags for that particular market.

4. Make Sure Your Location is on the Map

Local business owners very often DONT have their location on the map! This is a mistake because you’re missing opportunities for people to geotag you in their photos.

If your business geotag doesn’t exist, create it. According to Instagram, you have to create your location on Facebook before you can add it to your IG posts. To learn how to do that, read this guide.

5. Tag Locations Via Stories

Did you know you can geotag your IG Stories, too? This is another great way to extend your brand’s reach and get in front of more leads.

If you have over 10,000 followers, you can then add a link to giveaway freebies and collect emails on these same Stories posts.

Use Instagram Geotagging to Help More People Find You

To get more targeted followers and turn them into leads, geotagging is perfect to use as part of your Instagram strategy. Follow these tips to maximize how and when you show up in relevant location tags, and let more local people find you!

What’s next?

You can keep learning tactics from blogs and videos, hoping you get clients, or you can take a guaranteed path to get clients by working with us. Check out my Instagram Course!



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Jessica Campos, JD, BBA is an educator, author, forensic digital marketing expert & strategist.  She traded in her law career in order to pursue her passion: helping entrepreneurs build wealth by taking advantage of the thriving content economy.

Jessica‘s 15+ years of experience in entrepreneurship, background in law and business, tracked online sales record, and her network, represent a wealth of resources for professionals and entrepreneurs that want to attain success.

Jessica is a contributor for Social Media Examiner.

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