Are you wondering how to find more clients online?  What if there was a way where you don’t have to chase people but instead, people were chasing you?

What if you woke up every morning having appointments on your calendar?

That’s about to happen when you learn how to increase your lead generation by 5 times or more with these 5 inbound marketing strategies- and of course, you take action!   This information is sizzling hot!  I hope you enjoy it!

1) Co-Marketing

Definition: Co-marketing is a joint marketing effort between two or more companies to simultaneously promote both businesses.

Writing a book with another expert that serves an audience similar to yours is an example of a co-marketing activity.  Let’s say that you are a content marketing expert and you join efforts with a branding expert.  Obviously, this will require that you are comfortable with their brand, you both get along well, have a similar work ethic and an audience of a comparable size.   If those conditions are met, you can create projects together, such as:

  • Facebook live
  • E-book
  • Webinar
  • Events

You will cut your content creation time and budget in half.  Social media is the best place to find potential partners.  My book, The 6 Golden Rules of Social Media covers how to lead with value.  Download it for free!

Best Email To Send You The Book:

2) Optimizing Content For Search

Gary Vaynerchuk greatly says “Every single company out there, where they know it or not, is a media company in addition to the business or product that they specialize in.”  

Since you are looking to get 5X more leads, you already know that you must have a content strategy.  However, I’ve seen brands producing great content but can’t prove the ROI.  That’s because their content has never been optimized for search.  You are producing great pieces of information, but nobody finds it.

How to optimize your content for search?

Just as wheels without an engine leaves you pedaling, content without an SEO strategy can’t keep up in a digital marketplace. And just like an engine with no wheels, SEO without content is a shiny machine that goes nowhere.

Content needs SEO to stand out in the din of mediocre blog posts clogging up the internet these days, and Google has said that one of the top three ranking factors for organic search is “content.”  But what does that mean? Not any content, surely.

We loved this list from SearchEngineLand.com.  High-quality content:

  • is based on an understanding of your audience, as well as keyword and user intent research. Use your audience’s language, and provide the information they’re actually looking for.
  • helps the reader complete one specific task. Long content (1,000+ words) tends to rank better in organic results, in part because it is thorough. That said, stay on task and don’t let the content lose focus.
  • features an enticing call to action or a clear next step. When you know your readers and their buyer journeys, your content can point them to more of what they want.

After reading these recommendations from SearchEngineLand.com I’ve got some actionable steps:

  • Get clear about your buyer persona.
  • What do they want to learn?
  • What form of content do they prefer?  E-book?  Webinar?  Video?  Make it easy for them!
  • Hire a professional to run your SEO Keywords.  Don’t mess with this part! You want ROI from your content marketing.
  • Offer a variety of call to action: 15 min call, quiz, assessment, demo, free worksheet, direct message.  One of our clients is having a great conversion rate using WhatsApp in their call to action!  You have to think outside of the box!

Don’t forget that social media can help you get visible!  Check our top hacks to get traffic to your sales page.

2)  Optimize For Conversion 

We already talked about optimizing content for search.  However, the fact that someone finds your content doesn’t mean that they will become leads.  The content needs to be optimized for conversion.  This means:

  • You need a call to action that is relevant to your readers.
  • Don’t limit to one call to action.
  • Create different variations of your lead form.  Use plain HTML code besides the typical signup box.
  • Make sure that the links work!
  • If you have a high converting page, rebrand and recycle.

Want to review our top leaks that you can fix tomorrow to improve your conversions?  Click here

3)  Ebook

When I tell my clients to turn a workshop into an e-book, they panic!  Are you one of those persons?  Writing an ebook doesn’t have to be complicated.  In fact, an ebook is an amazing-simple tool where you can give a ton of value to your audience.  They appreciate if the ebook is:

  • Simple to read
  • Easy to share
  • High value
  • Relevant
  • Clear call to action
  • Polished presentation

Take the time to survey your core audience to ensure your book meets their needs.   And don’t forget that people judge a book by its cover.

In this day and age of information overload, you need a great cover to catch the readers eye, a great title to capture their imagination and a great presentation on the inside.  

As a marketing strategist, my 2 cents for your ebook is: this should not take more than 20 hours of your time.  If it does, you need to delegate it.  I have produced and launched an ebook on a weekend.  From idea to the landing page and new leads!  My system to produce your ebook could be a fit.

We can talk about our Super Star Track.

4) Educational Content Libary 

I loved this idea from Hubspot!  Once you produce a lot of content, the next logical step is to organize it into a library.  The access to the library is actually a call to action!  It can be a freebie!

We started with a lot of free content and then we realized that entrepreneurs appreciated when someone could explain strategies by actually doing things on top of learnings.  That’s how we started My Social University.

Think about your educational library like the Youtube playlist.  When you provide organized content, chances to get more leads are higher.  We actually have an article about how to get leads from Youtube.  Click here if you want to check it out.

5) Infographic

What is your unique valuable proposition?  What is it that you offer that makes your business unique?  Try to come up with a system and create an infographic.  Host a page on your website just to explain your process.  Share your infographic everywhere!  Those can turn into viral posts very easy.

For ninja results, combine your infographic with a free pre-recorded webinar and this will turn you more leads.  I would love to have a conversation about our ninja formula to get more subscribers and clients with webinars!  Check our Accelerator Track!     

Having these 5 inbound marketing strategies it’s like having the secret sauce to cook your best dish.  It’s crucial that you implement each one of these to multiply by 5 your leads so you can prove the ROI of your content marketing strategy.

Our next logical topic is to talk about what to do to nurture your leads.   Read my article “5 Psychology Hacks That Will Change The Way You Create Emails”.

Until our next article!



Jessica Campos, JD, BBA is an educator, author, forensic digital marketing expert & strategist.  She traded in her law career in order to pursue her passion: helping entrepreneurs build wealth by taking advantage of the thriving content economy.

Jessica‘s 15+ years of experience in entrepreneurship, background in law and business, tracked online sales record, and her network, represent a wealth of resources for professionals and entrepreneurs that want to attain success.

Jessica is a contributor for Social Media Examiner.

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